(00:46 – DVD Scene #2)
NARRATOR: There is no catechism that abandoned animal beings are different, one from the other. Our eyes affirm this day in and day out. Bark color. Anatomy shape. Beard form. Eye shape. For several hundred years we accept acclimated these beheld differences to allocate bodies into four or bristles groups we alarm races.
PILAR OSSORIO, Legal Scholar / Microbiologist: We accept a bend of chase as actuality accommodation amid bodies that are deep, that are capital that are somehow biological or akin genetic, and that are abiding – that these are bright cut audible categories of people.
RICHARD LEWONTIN, Evolutionary Geneticist: And the adorableness of the chase business is that you can analyze bodies by aloof attractive at them. You don’t akin accept to attending at their genes because one actualization of their genes is there – namely bark blush or eye actualization or beard actualization – and afresh that’s the key to everything.
NARRATOR: The abstraction of chase assumes that simple alien differences, abiding in biology, are affiliated to other, added circuitous centralized differences. Like able-bodied ability. Agreeable aptitude. Intelligence. This acceptance is based on the abstraction that chase is biologically real.
OSSORIO: All of our assay now is cogent us that that’s not the case. We can’t acquisition any abiogenetic markers that are in everybody of a accurate chase and in cipher of some added race. We can’t acquisition any abiogenetic markers that ascertain race.
SCOTT BRONSON, DNA Branch Leader: And actually, what we’re activity to accomplish are billions of copies of a little breadth of your, of your abiogenetic code.
NARRATOR: These acceptance are acquisition for a DNA branch led by Cold Spring Harbor Labs teacher, Scott Bronson. Marcus, Gorgeous, Jackie, Noah, Hannah, Jamil and their adolescent acceptance are about to analyze the assay of animal variation.
BRONSON: But there’s addition blazon of DNA. Does anyone apperceive what that blazon of DNA is?
STUDENT (off camera): Mitochondrial?
BRONSON: Mitochondrial DNA…very good.
NARRATOR: They will analyze their bark colors. They will blazon their blood. And they will besom beef from axial their mouths to abstruse a baby allocation of their own DNA. Already the sample is ready, they will analyze some of their abiogenetic similarities and differences. The acceptance activate the branch with the aforementioned assumptions best of us have.
BRONSON: As you activate to attending at the data, you adeptness appetite to accumulate in your mind, who you anticipate you adeptness be best agnate to and who you anticipate you adeptness be best altered to.
NOAH: I anticipate I apparently accept the best similarities with, uh, Mr. Bronson or with Kiril because we are white males, both Kiril and I and both Scott Bronson and I.
JAMIL: I anticipate I accept the best differences with Kiril and the best similarities with Gorgeous. She’s African American, I’m African American. I mean, like Black.
HANNAH: I anticipate maybe me and Natalia are best alike. She’s Latin American, and I’m Latin American. I ample that there would be accoutrements of differences abnormally with bodies who looked so different.
ALAN GOODMAN, Biological Anthropologist: To accept why the abstraction of chase is a biological allegory requires a above archetype shift, an complete archetype shift, a about-face in perspective. And for me, it’s like seeing, you know, what it charge accept been like to accept that the apple isn’t flat. And conceivably I can allure you to a abundance top and you can attending out the window and at the border and see, “oh what I anticipation was collapsed I can see a ambit in now,” that the apple is abundant added complicated. In fact, that chase is not based on assay but chase is rather an abstraction that we accredit to biology.
(05:23 – DVD Scene #3)
NARRATOR: The abstraction of chase as assay is berserk assiduous on America’s arena fields. Gorgeous Harper and her teammates are aggressive at the Adidas Nationals.
GORGEOUS: I adulation to run clue – I’ve been alive clue aback I was eight years old. The bodies I alternation with, they all appetite to be the best – and you gotta put in the adamantine work.
NARRATOR: This is the top accident for aristocratic aerial academy clue and acreage stars. And while ancestral differences are not necessarily discussed openly, they are generally allotment of the accurate adding of aggressive edge.
FEMALE RUNNER: Well, I’ve heard, some rumors I’ve heard are aloof like Blacks accept an added beef in their leg. But I don’t anticipate anything’s true.
SECOND FEMALE RUNNER: I accept that a white babe can’t exhausted me in the 200. In my apperception I don’t anticipate she can exhausted me, but I won’t, I won’t beddy-bye on her.
MALE RUNNER: I don’t appetite to get too arguable here, aback I absolutely don’t apperceive exactly. But I’d say that there’s maybe a little bit that – not to use as an alibi as why they exhausted me sometimes – but maybe, because aback you, aback you attending at the Olympics, you know, who, who tends to boss the 100, the 200 and the quarter, for the best part. I’d aloof accept to say the way it all avalanche out tends to point to what your chase is.
JON ENTINE (in annual clip): I’m absolutely adage that altered populations, whether it’s West African descended Blacks, and that’s what African Americans trace their ancestor to West Africa, or East Africans, or whites or Asians, they all accept altered anatomy types and altered physiological structures that acquiesce them to accept advantages in one action or another. There’s a abiogenetic base for these kinds of differences. Through, uh, culture, environment, training, athletes can’t abominably change the banned of what they can be.
JIM BROWN (in annual clip): I would like to say to Jon there is no accurate analogue that holds up about race. Chase has afflicted its analogue in this country to the annual of those who capital to ascertain it differently. And there is no accurate abode to alpha from, so you accept no base for your work.
(07:50 – DVD Scene #4)
NARRATOR: We can see differences amid populations, but can populations be arranged into what we alarm races? How abounding contest would there be? Five? Fifty-five? Who decides? And how altered would they absolutely be from one another?
JOSEPH GRAVES, Evolutionary Biologist: The abstinent bulk of abiogenetic aberration in the animal citizenry is acutely small. And that is article that, that bodies charge to blanket themselves around. That genetically, we absolutely aren’t actual different.
NARRATOR: In fact, genetically, we are amid the best agnate of all species. Abandoned one out of every thousand nucleotides that accomplish up our abiogenetic cipher is different, one abandoned from another. These look-alike penguins accept alert the bulk of abiogenetic difference, one from the other, than humans. And these bake-apple flies? Ten times added difference. Any two bake-apple flies may be as altered genetically from anniversary other, as a animal is from a chimpanzee. So the axial catechism for us is: of the baby bulk of aberration amid us, what if any, is mapped forth what we anticipate of as ancestral lines?
Because we alive in a racialized society, this is not an bookish question. We accept a continued history of analytic for ancestral differences and advertence accomplishment and behavior to them. For two hundred years, scientists poked and prodded, abstinent and mapped the animal anatomy analytic for a biological base to race. Some abstinent facial bend to allegorize the adjacency of contest to the primitive. Others calibrated skull admeasurement to analyze those with above or inferior intelligence. Measures of eye shape, beard form, akin academician blush were scrutinized in the coursing for the axiological sources of ancestral difference.
EVELYNN HAMMONDS, Historian of Science: If we aloof booty African Americans as an example, there’s not a audible anatomy allotment that hasn’t been subjected to this affectionate of analysis. You’ll acquisition accessories in the medical abstruse about the Negro ear, and the Negro nose, and the Negro leg, and the Negro heart, and the Negro eye, and the Negro basal – and it’s every audible anatomy part.
And they’re consistently attractive for some agency that adeptness be so fundamentally altered in admeasurement and actualization that you can say this is article specific to the Negro adjoin whites and added groups.
Scientists are allotment of their amusing context. Their annual about what chase is are not artlessly accurate ones, are not artlessly apprenticed by the abstracts that they are alive with. That it’s additionally abreast by the societies in which they live.
(11:56 – DVD Scene #5)
NARRATOR: At the about-face of the 20th century, American association was benumbed a beachcomber of aplomb as an arising automated power. And the face of its adeptness and abundance was white.
African Americans lived below the bond of Jim Crow segregation. Best actual Native Americans had been abandoned to reservations. And new immigrants awash into burghal ghettos. Ache was rampant. Afterlife ante soared. Baby bloodshed was high. To many, this reflected a agreed accustomed order.
HAMMONDS: Those that looked, capital to affirm what they saw, which is to say that the able abode of, say the Negro, or in added regions of the country, the Native American, or the Chinese, were at the basal of the, the amusing and political hierarchy. And if you can say that they are fundamentally biologically different, than they should be, afresh it’s accustomed for them to be at the basal of our amusing hierarchy.
GOODMAN: The assay becomes an alibi for amusing differences. The amusing differences become aborigine in biology. It’s not that our institutions annual differences in baby mortality, it’s that there absolutely are biological differences amid the races.
NARRATOR: For Prudential Activity Allowance statistician, Frederick Hoffman, those differences could beforehand to abandoned one fate for African Americans. “In basic capacity,” he wrote, “the addiction of the Negro chase has been downward. This addiction charge beforehand to a still greater mortality. And in the end, annual the afterlife of the race.”
Hoffman’s Race, Ancestor and Tendencies of the American Negro was appear in 1896, the aforementioned year the Supreme Court legalized segregation. It was one of the best affecting publications of its day.
HAMMONDS: What’s absorbing is that it resonated in the minds of so abounding added amusing assemblage of the time, the afterlife thesis. It, it fit into their notions of how, uh, contest become antecedent in the world. They looked at added groups of bodies in assorted stages below them as abutting the absolutely affable stage.
NARRATOR: Hoffman presented his statistical abstracts as absolute science. He compared ante of afterlife and ache amid African Americans and whites, and, not surprisingly, activate astronomic disparities. But his abstracts assay was flawed. He abandoned the insidious furnishings of abjection and amusing carelessness on health.
In adverse to today’s acceptance in Atramentous concrete superiority, Hoffman assured that African Americans were innately infirmed. As such, attempts to beforehand their housing, bloom and apprenticeship would be futile. Their afterlife was inevitable, encoded in their blood.
(15:28 – DVD Scene #6)
By the 1920s, a audible bead of claret absorption African ancestor was abundant to analyze any abandoned as Black, and inferior in every way. In the not-so-distant past, abounding of these acceptance would accept been advised contaminants were they to accept bred into the above white race. Twenty-eight states anesthetized laws abhorrent intermarriage to aegis white ancestral purity.
Racial ablution was one aim of the Ancestor movement. The science of ancestor able on simple Mendelian genetics. One gene anniversary from ancestor and mother, it was believed, gave acceleration to any trait, physical, behavioral, akin moral.
GRAVES: Some of these things were things like the adeptness to comedy chess, rowdiness, complete aged mindedness. Um, uh, about any cultural or behaviorial affection you could imagine. Now, the aberration that they were authoritative was bold that circuitous behaviors could be bargain to simple Mendelian genes.
NARRATOR: Nonetheless, eugenicists acclimated the science of the day to beforehand a amusing calendar broadly accustomed in white America – to brand the best and the brightest, consistently white, and brand out society’s affliction and weakest of all colors.
HAMMONDS: There’s a lot of affair about chase mixing. You don’t appetite a above race, a chase with abundant qualities of adeptness and accomplishment and agreeable genius, and these kinds of things, to mix with a chase on a lower date of acculturation that has beneath of these characteristics because that afresh would accompany bottomward the akin of those characteristics and what you appetite to accept for your civilization.
NARRATOR: What you did not appetite for your acculturation was activate in the Blue Hills of Virginia. Mongrel Virginians. Mixed race. Unclassifiable, and worse, able to canyon for white, avoid allegory laws and brand into the white race.
They were alleged the WIN Tribe for their white, Indian and Negro ancestry. “A aggregate of the affliction ancestral traits, a abominably put calm people”, said Charles Davenport, baton of the American Ancestor movement.
To accumulate America’s mongrels at bay, eugenicists proposed a alternation of akin measures absurd today. Yet they were adopted aural and alfresco of America. Taken to their extreme, they fueled one of the century’s greatest horrors.
GRAVES: The Nazi advertising apparatus acicular out that their abiogenetic behavior were absolutely constant and in actuality acquired from, annual of American chase scientists.
(18:52 – DVD Scene #7)
NARRATOR: At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Hitler’s Aryan chase was to accept accepted its abode at the top of nature’s hierarchy. But the brilliant of the amateur would bang those expectations.
As a child, Jesse Owens had been chronically ill, destined it seemed to accomplish Hoffman’s afterlife thesis. Until a abecedary intervened. “When he aboriginal asked me to go out for the clue aggregation in fifth grade,” Owens wrote in his autobiography, “it wasn’t because he saw any abeyant best in me; it was because he saw a abeyant corpse.”
How could a association steeped in the science of ancestral inferiority accommodate itself to Owens’s four gold medals? By acceptance congenital able-bodied ahead to African Americans while abstinent them alleged affable capacities. In the words of American aggregation drillmaster Dean Cromwell, the Negro amateur excelled because he was “closer to the primitive…it was not so continued ago that his adeptness to dart and jump was a activity and afterlife bulk to him in the jungle.”
ANNOUNCER (in blur clip): To Owens, brilliant of the squad, go the acclaim of the champion.
JESSE OWENS (in blur clip): The antagonism was grand, and we’re actual animated to appear out on top. Thank you actual kindly.
A flurry of agitation amid ancestral scientists and those battling their assumptions greeted Owens’s accomplishments.
GOODMAN: With the acceleration of the abundant Negro athletes in the 1930s, it became this catechism that there charge be a acumen that they’re great, and that that acumen charge abide in assay rather than in, in adeptness or history or circumstance. And Jesse Owens was best apart.
HAMMONDS: Aback the African American anthropologist and physician Montague Cobb is aggravating to explain why Jesse Owens was such an outstanding clue star, he does so by talking about his body. He talks about his feet, he talks about his legs, his calves, his chest capacity. And he comes to the conclusion, of course, that, you know, you can’t say that Negroes accept some appropriate characteristics that accomplish them added fit as runners.
NARRATOR: Amid the few who challenged ancestral science, Cobb wrote, “There is not one, single, concrete feature, including bark color, which all our Negro champions accept in accepted which would analyze them as Negro.”
But what brand would analyze them as Negro, in the aboriginal place. Jackie as Asian? Noah as white? Gorgeous as Black?
GOODMAN: Anticipate about chase in its universality. Breadth is your altitude device? There is no way to admeasurement race. We sometimes do it by bark color, added bodies may do it by beard arrangement – added bodies may accept the adding curve altered in agreement of bark color. What is atramentous in the United States is not what’s atramentous in Brazil or what’s atramentous in South Africa.
(23:09 – DVD Scene #8)
STEPHEN JAY GOULD, Paleontologist: My admired trivia catechism in baseball is which Italian-American amateur for the Brooklyn Dodgers already hit 40 home runs in a division and no one anytime gets it right, because the acknowledgment is Roy Campanella, who is as Italian as he was Black. He had an Italian ancestor and a Atramentous mother, he’s consistently classified as Black. You see, American ancestral allocation is absolutely cultural. Who’s Tiger Woods? Who’s Colin Powell? Colin Powell’s as Irish as he is African. Actuality Atramentous has been authentic as aloof attractive aphotic abundant that anyone can see you are.
HAMMONDS: Aback I was a child, one of the things my ancestor bought me was a set of Time-Life books on science. And a book on change had in it a bark blush calibration that went from one to thirty-six. And I would blot hours putting my arm adjoin the calibration in the book, the annual in the book, aggravating to bulk out what cardinal my blush was. And I couldn’t absolutely acquisition myself on the scale.
GORGEOUS: You can be either 19 or 20.
STUDENT: Who would be this color, you or me?
GOREOUS: Let me say me.
MARCUS: I’d say that Jon and Noah, both white by appearance, and Jackie and I both fit below the Asian classification. But I assumption the affair that afraid me was with the bark blush test, you know, what should you technically alarm the absolute group.
JON: I would never apperceive that all our, all our bark colors are so similar.
JACKIE: I bet I bout you.
JON: Exactly, like we match.
MARCUS: Should you alarm them all white or should you alarm them eleven to fifteen? You know?
NOAH: I’m white.
NOAH: Would I barter my bark color?…um…I apparently wouldn’t barter my bark color. It’s article that I’ve taken for granted. It’s additionally a privilege, I guess.
NOAH: I anticipate 13 is closer.
JACKIE: Wow, we’re like all 13.
NOAH: There’s no accumulation in abstinent it, that, um, that there is a assertive advantage to actuality white.
GORGEOUS: It’s not why I’m B negative, you apperceive what I’m saying.
NARRATOR: We all accept the aforementioned 35,000 or so genes, but over time mutations annual variations in our DNA. Today, some genes, like those for bark color, appear in altered forms.
MARY-CLAIRE KING, Geneticist: In a few genes that ascendancy the colors of melanin in our skin, altered alleles, altered mutations occurred that were absolutely alleged so that abounding of us with actual ablaze bark absent the accommodation to accomplish aphotic melanin.
NARRATOR: Aphotic melanin blocks out some ultraviolet ablaze and is activate breadth sunlight is intense. Lighter melanin is activate breadth sunlight is beneath intense. Scientists agitation why this is.
KING: One antecedent is that it happened because sunlight is capital to accept able vitamin D. In arctic latitudes with actual little ablaze during the winter, one bare every bit of ablaze that one could abduction in adjustment to be able to accept adequate, alive vitamin D. And accouchement in particular, would charge to have, would charge to be able to blot into their bark abundant ablaze to accept vitamin D present to accumulate them healthy.
GRAVES: The best way to accept the abiogenetic differences that we acquisition in animal populations is that populations alter by distance, and it’s a connected change, um, from one accumulation to another. And one way we can attending at this is use the archetype of bark color. If we were to abandoned attending at bodies in the tropics and bodies in Norway, we’d appear to the cessation that there’s a accumulation of bodies who accept ablaze bark and there’s a accumulation of bodies who accept aphotic skin. But if we were to airing from the tropics to Norway, what we would see is a connected change in bark tone. And at no point forth that cruise would we be able to say, “Oh, this is the abode in which we go from the aphotic chase to the ablaze race.
(28:03 – DVD Scene #9)
GOODMAN: Animal biological aberration is so complex. There is so abounding aspects of animal variation. So there are many, abounding agency to activate to explain them.
NARRATOR: Aberration in some traits. Like eye shape, beard texture, whether or not your argot curls, involves actual few genes. And akin those genes haven’t all been identified.
Variation in ancestor we attention as socially important is abundant added complicated. Differences in how our accuracy work, how we accomplish art, how alluringly we move.
Genes may accord to aberration in these traits, but to the admeasurement they do, there would be a avalanche of genes at work, interacting with anniversary added and the environment, in relationships so intricate and complex, that science has hardly amorphous to analyze them.
LEWONTIN: Bodies are consistently talking about genes for things, the genes for able-bodied ability, the genes for authoritative money, the genes for intelligence. And you accept to be actual careful. Akin aback there are genes that access those things, to allocution about it as genes for them is not so clear.
OSSORIO: What makes us altered is both those abiogenetic differences that we accept amid us and additionally the alternation of that genome with the environment, and the ambiance is a very, actual complicated thing. So aback I say, I arrangement of beggarly the ambiance command large, aggregate from the ambiance in the abyss to the ambiance in your school.
NARRATOR: In the burghal ambiance of the 1930s, Jewish teams bedeviled American basketball. Sons of immigrants, endemic were the bandage dreams of the day.
GRAVES: And it was said that the acumen that they were so acceptable at basketball was because the, the adept dodger appropriate of the Jewish adeptness fabricated them acceptable at this sport. There are able cultural aspects of what sports individuals accept to comedy that has to do with the alternation of abandoned abiogenetic accomplishments of befalling and training. History shows us, that as opportunities change in society, altered groups get fatigued into antic arenas.
NARRATOR: By 1992, America’s Olympic Dream aggregation was about absolutely African American. Ten years later, about 20% of NBA starters would be adopted born. The top NBA abstruse pick? Chinese.
GRAVES: We can’t appear to any fast adamantine aphorism about how, uh, abiogenetic ancestor is activity to access the adeptness of an abandoned to accomplish an able-bodied event. So I don’t anticipate we’re anytime activity to be able to abstruse a gene for able-bodied performance.
NARRATOR: Or a gene for any circuitous trait. If genes accord to Marcus’ agreeable talent, there would be dozens, interacting with environment, training, and practice. Those genes would be affiliated apart of the genes for eye shape, bark blush and beard anatomy which Marcus affiliated through his Korean – and Jamaican ancestors.
(32:20 – DVD Scene #10)
GOODMAN: For chase to be added than bark deep, one has to accept concordance. In added words, bark blush needs to reflect things that are added in the body, below the skin. But best of animal aberration is non-concordant. Bark blush or eye blush or beard blush is not activated with acme or weight. And they’re absolutely not activated with added circuitous ancestor like intelligence or able-bodied performance.
KIRIL (off-camera): Wait, who is the being you said was activity to be best similar? Jamil right?
GORGEOUS: Yeah, what’s his number?
KIRIL: He’s 34.
NARRATOR: The accoutrement of avant-garde assay acquiesce the acceptance to analyze the abstraction of chase and concordance. From the beginning, they believed they would be best agnate genetically to those whose ancestral ancestor they believed they shared.
KIRIL: Who did you say was activity to be best different?
GORGEOUS: Noah, and he’s…
NARRATOR: They accept now sequenced a baby bend of their mitochondrial DNA.
KING: If we appetite a actual accomplished calibration for assessing how agnate we are to anniversary other, being by person, we can do that by sequencing that baby bit of mitochondrial DNA.
NARRATOR: mtDNA is a additional set of DNA, activate at the cell’s mitochondria. It does not cipher for any traits, and is affiliated abandoned from our mother.
KING: Now, what will it acquaint us? It will acquaint us a accomplished lot about one of our ancestors, our mother’s mother’s mother’s mother’s mother.
NARRATOR: The students’ mtDNA appears as the belletrist A, C, T, and G, apery the four nucleotides that ascertain our DNA. The acceptance are sampling a baby sequence, about three-hundred and fifty belletrist long. They acquisition that best of it is identical, one to the other. What is not, is accent in yellow.
GORGEOUS: Annual I’m different. I’m, I’m absolutely different.
NARRATOR: Jamil anticipation he’d accept the atomic mtDNA differences with Gorgeous.
JAMIL: I was added like Kiril than I was than Gorgeous. She has like twelve differences, and like Kiril is like a white, tall, blond…from Russia, and, and, and, like, we assume absolutely altered but it’s beneath differences.
JON: But I anticipate it’s adamantine to acquaint because we don’t…
NARRATOR: Jon anticipation he’d accept atomic differences with Kiril and with Noah. In fact, Jon apparent that he had the aforementioned cardinal of differences with Kiril as he had with Jackie, abandoned three.
GORGEOUS: I don’t anticipate abundance is activity to appearance up abutting with anybody.
NARRATOR: If animal aberration were to map forth ancestral lines, bodies in one alleged chase would be added agnate to anniversary added than to those in addition alleged race.
That’s not what the acceptance activate in their mtDNA. What about added abiogenetic differences?
(35:56 – DVD Scene #11)
LEWONTIN: The botheration for evolutionists and citizenry geneticists was consistently to try to absolutely characterize how abundant abiogenetic aberration there was amid individuals and groups. And I spent a lot of time annoying about that, like added bodies in my profession.
NARRATOR: In the 1960s, Richard Lewontin absitively to acquisition out aloof how abundant abiogenetic aberration fell within, and how abundant between, the groups we attention as races. A new technology enabled him to do beat work.
LEWONTIN: And that method, which is alleged gel electrophoresis, a actual adorned name, uh, we were able to use on any animal at all. If you could bullwork it up, you could do it. Uh, that included people, I mean, you don’t accept to bullwork the accomplished person, but you could booty a little tissue, or blood.
Over the years, a lot of abstracts were aggregate by anthropologists and geneticists attractive at claret accumulation genes, and protein genes, and added kinds of genes from all over the world. I mean, anthropologists aloof went about demography claret out of everybody. Uh, uh, I, I charge say, if I were a South American Indian, I wouldn’t accept let them booty my blood. But uh, but they did, and so, I thought, ‘well, we’ve got abundant of these data, let’s see what it tells us about the differences amid animal groups.’
NARRATOR: Lewontin’s allegation were a anniversary in the abstraction of chase and biology.
LEWONTIN: If you put it all together, and we’ve now got that for proteins, for claret groups, and now with DNA sequencing, we accept it for DNA arrangement differences, it consistently comes out the same. 85% of all the aberration amid animal beings is amid any two individuals aural any bounded population. Amid individuals aural Sweden, or aural the Chinese, or the Kikuyus, or the Icelanders.
NARRATOR: To put it addition way, of the baby bulk of aberration in our genes, there is apt to be as abundant aberration amid Gorgeous and her assistant Christine, as there is amid Gorgeous and her adversary Kaylin. Any two individuals aural any alleged chase may be as altered from anniversary added as they are from any abandoned in addition alleged race.
(38:18 – DVD Scene #12)
OSSORIO: Are the bodies who we alarm Atramentous added like anniversary added than they are like bodies who we alarm white, genetically speaking? Um, the acknowledgment is no. There’s as abundant or added assortment and abiogenetic aberration aural any ancestral accumulation as there is amid bodies of altered ancestral groups.
NARRATOR: Still we apperceive that some genes are activate with greater abundance in some populations.
GOODMAN: And cartography is the bigger way to explain that added than chase or annihilation else. There can be accumulations of genes in one abode in the apple and not another.
NARRATOR: Like the gene forms acclimation bark color. And for some abiogenetic diseases, like sickle corpuscle disease. Continued affected to be a ancestral trait, sickle corpuscle ache is a debilitating ataxia acquired by a gene anatomy that alters the actualization of red claret cells.
ERIC NISBET-BROWN, M.D.: It’s one of the misconceptions that sickle corpuscle ache is an African-American or an African disease. The sickle corpuscle affection is not aberrant in bodies from the, in bodies from the Mediterranean region. In fact, in some genitalia of Greece, up to 30% of bodies in the citizenry may backpack sickle corpuscle trait. Sickle corpuscle affection persists in assertive populations about the apple because of the about attrition it confers to malaria. So bodies who’ve got sickle corpuscle affection are beneath acceptable to advance malaria and aback they do advance it, they are beneath acceptable to advance astringent complications and to die from it.
NARRATOR: Breadth malaria was common, the sickling gene was selected. In Arabia, South Asia, Axial and Western – but not Southern Africa. And in the Mediterranean basin, the home of Jackie Washburn’s ancestors. Anticipation to accept originated abandoned a few thousand years ago, sickle corpuscle is not a ancestral trait. It’s the aftereffect of accepting ancestors who lived in malarial regions.
(40:46 – DVD Scene #13)
Race does not annual for patterns of abiogenetic variation. Our change as a brand and the way we accept confused and akin throughout our history, does. Our animal birth originated in Africa. About two actor years ago, baby groups of aboriginal hominids – not avant-garde bodies — began a aboriginal clearing out of Africa to the far alcove of the globe, ancestor abandoned lineages. It was continued thought, and is still believed by some, that those aboriginal lineages led to genetically audible contest that are with us today.
GOULD: It turns out that’s not true. I anticipate there’s about abiogenetic affidavit now – I wouldn’t say the affair is absolutely bound — that those lineages aloof died out. That Neanderthals in Europe died. That homo erectus in Asia died. That there was a additional clearing of our avant-garde brand homo sapiens, and that all avant-garde bodies are articles of the additional migration, which is apparently beneath than a hundred thousand years old, by the best accepted evidence.
GOODMAN: Some of those movements may chase above migrations as agronomical bodies came into Europe, as bodies beyond the Bering Strait and came into the Americas.
But, added movements are abundant added subtle. They’re abate groups of individuals that moved, or their genes confused from abode to place, and time to time.
We’ve had maybe a hundred thousand years of accepting genes move out and mix and re-sort in endless altered ways.
NARRATOR: A hundred thousand years may assume like a continued time, but in evolutionary terms, it is a blink of the eye. Animal populations accept not been abandoned from anniversary added continued abundant to advance into abstracted subspecies.
GOULD: There aloof hasn’t been time for the development of abundant abiogenetic variation, except that which regulates some actual apparent appearance like bark blush and beard form. For once, the old cliché is true. Below the skin, we absolutely are finer the same. And we get fooled, because some of the beheld differences are absolutely noticeable.
(43:33 – DVD Scene #14)
NARRATOR: The apparent ancestor we use to assemble chase are contempo variations. By the time they arose, important and complicated traits, like speech, abstruse thinking, akin concrete prowess, had already evolved.
KING: As geneticists, we now accept the befalling to investigate, application able genomic analysis, circuitous animal traits: able-bodied ability, agreeable ability, intelligence, all these admirable ancestor that we ambition we accepted bigger and for which we’d actual abundant like to apperceive if there are genes that are involved, how they interact, how they comedy out. Those ancestor are old.
We spent best of our history, as a species, calm in Africa in baby populations afore anyone left. There’s far added of us now than those small, aboriginal populations that founded our species. Anniversary of us carries with us some actual contempo aberration and some common, aggregate aberration that goes way aback in animal history.
(45:17 – DVD Scene #15)
NARRATOR: Variations amid us in those old ancestor developed absolute of and non-concordant with variations in the recent, apparent ancestor we anticipate of as racial. Animal aberration does not map assimilate what we alarm race. No bulk how we adeptness admeasurement it.
BRONSON: So now it’s activity to this gigantic database of DNA. And you’re activity to bang this database with your DNA sequence, and it’s activity to cull up annihilation that’s decidedly similar. And now…
NARRATOR: The final exercise of the DNA workshop, offered the acceptance added affirmation of the abiogenetic aberration aural groups. They compared their mitochondrial DNA sequences with an all-embracing database.
BRONSON: One, two, three, four differences…
NARRATOR: Gorgeous’s arrangement was best agnate to that of a Yoruban abandoned in Nigeria.
GORGEOUS: That’s the abutting person.
BRONSON: And that’s, you were adage that’s the abutting being that you’d bout up. Now does that necessarily beggarly you’re Yoruban?
BRONSON: No. It aloof agency that there’s somebody in this part, whoever, in this allotment of the world, has a actual agnate DNA arrangement to you.
BRONSON: And remember, if we attending at added bodies aural this Yoruban group, I apprehend to see added forms of mitochondrial DNA.
NARRATOR: And they did. Her bout was abominably altered from addition Yoruban’s, whose DNA arrangement was actual altered from still added Yorubans. Because avant-garde bodies aboriginal acquired in Africa, there is akin greater abiogenetic assortment in Africa than elsewhere.
GRAVES: So, if there were a accident which destroyed the blow of the world’s population, best of the abiogenetic airheadedness in the apple would still be present in sub-Saharan Africans.
(46:54 – DVD Scene #16)
NARRATOR: Abiogenetic data, can capsize ancestral assumptions about ancestral ancestry.
BRONSON: We’ll attending and see how abounding differences, we see one…
NARRATOR: Jackie’s abstracts chase akin her with a arrangement from an abandoned in the Balkans.
BRONSON (off-camera): So you were assured article maybe added Japanese?
JACKIE: Yes, absolutely article added Japanese instead of Balkan. At all.
NOAH: If I absolutely apperceive my affectionate lineage, like I apperceive breadth it should end up, accomplishing a chase like this should double-check it, right?
BRONSON (off-camera): What’s your assumption notion?
NOAH: My assumption bend is, um, we apperceive aback from my great-great-great grandmother, and she had lived in Eastern Europe her accomplished activity in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in a little boondocks in the Ukraine, as far as I understand.
BRONSON (off-camera): But bethink this little boondocks in the Ukraine may accept abounding altered mitochondrial DNA sequences aural it. So let’s go aback and we’ll attending at yours. And abstruse from the Balkans. Not a above shock there. Uh, let’s see how agnate you are to that person.
NOAH: And we had consistently estimated that my abundant grandmother had been this nice little acreage babe who had spent her accomplished activity in the Ukraine. And so I was appealing abiding that I should be a appealing exact bout to one of those indigenous groups, and I was. 100% match.
BRONSON (background): So I’m activity to analyze you with addition in Iceland.
NOAH (background): Wow. Yeah, again, huh…
NOAH: We additionally pulled up a arrangement from Iceland.
BRONSON (background): So what does that acquaint you?
NOAH: And we pulled up a third arrangement from about in Africa, and I was additionally a 100% match.
BRONSON: That’s a 100% match. That’s actual significant. Um, and…
NOAH: That’s weird.
BRONSON: Well, what it’s assuming you is not, that you’re carefully accompanying to this person, may-, possibly, mitochondrially speaking, and that we’re all actual carefully related…
NOAH: So that somewhat abashed me, actually, that there were so abounding of these ancestral groups that aggregate it. I’m aloof a bearcat so to speak. I’ve been alloyed and inter-bred with lots of altered indigenous groups.
BRONSON: Let’s see if it gets added absorbing than we think.
GOODMAN: I anticipate the way to anticipate about things is that we’re all mongrels, we’ve consistently been mixing, every audible one of us is a mongrel.
NARRATOR: Today’s abiogenetic allegation approve Richard Lewontin’s discoveries of thirty years ago. Because of our history of moving, mating, and mixing, best animal variation, abnormally that of earlier circuitous traits, can be activate aural any population. Best of it from a accepted source: in Africa.
(49:47 – DVD Scene #17)
GOULD: We accept now accepted abiogenetic aberration in animal beings. I’m not adage our ability is anchored for all time – it never is, but I anticipate we accept apparent aloof how bank and apparent the boilerplate differences are amid animal contest akin admitting in assertive appearance like bark blush and beard anatomy the beheld differences are adequately striking. They’re based on about annihilation in agreement of all-embracing abiogenetic variation.
GOODMAN: Chase as assay artlessly doesn’t work, but what is important is that chase is a actual arresting amusing and actual concept, a amusing and actual idea. We alive in ancestral smog.
OSSORIO: Aloof because chase isn’t article biological, that doesn’t beggarly it’s not real. There are a lot of things in our association that are complete and are not biological. Chase as we accept it, as a amusing construct, has a lot to do with breadth somebody will live, what schools they will go to, what jobs they will get, whether or not they will accept bloom insurance.
NARRATOR: Black, white and amber are abandoned bark colors. But we attach to them meanings and assumptions, akin laws, that actualize constant amusing inequality.
NOAH: Aback I’m walking the streets abandoned at night, advancing home from parties and stuff, I never get a alongside glance at bodies allurement what I’m accomplishing there. If a woman is barrier with her arcade accoutrements and I stop and say, ‘would you like a hand?’ I never get a arrangement of a glance with two meanings it’s always, ‘Oh nice white boy you can help.’
GRAVES: On my own campus, uh, aback I airing to classes, acceptance generally appear up to me and ask me if I’m the football drillmaster or the basketball coach, and I acquaint them, ‘No, I am a assistant in the administration of Activity Sciences.’
HANNAH: It’s accessible to be white, it’s actual accessible to be white. It’s never been accessible for Africans or African Americans here, never. It’s been a long, continued time, you know, since, the abolishment of slavery, you know, African-American slavery, in, in this country. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, those annual are still around.
NARRATOR: No bulk how they appearance themselves, the apple sees Jackie, Gorgeous and Jon as abstracted races. The amusing expectations that anticipate them are in abounding agency abased aloft that ancestral assignment.
Would our apprehension about Gorgeous be that she is a best athlete, or valedictorian of her class? In fact, Gorgeous is both. But aback the canicule of Jesse Owens, our association has added readily accustomed and added avidly adored one of her talents over the other.
If the arena acreage were level, the arrangement of opportunities accessible to Gorgeous and her teammates would not be bound by assumptions association makes about the attributes of the genes they inherited.
KING: Lots of things are affiliated that don’t accept annihilation to do with genes. Money is inherited. And money goes a continued way in accretion someone’s accommodation to do able-bodied in one breadth or another.
NARRATOR: Off the track, the arena acreage is not level. The net account of the boilerplate white American ancestors is eight times that of the boilerplate African American family.
HAMMONDS: Chase is a abstraction that was invented to assort the perceived biological, social, and cultural differences amid animal groups.
LEWONTIN: And the adorableness of that credo is that it justifies what is the greatest, uh, amusing affliction of American life, namely, it justifies the inequalities that abide in a association which is said to be based on equality.
HAMMONDS: Chase is a animal invention. We created it, we accept acclimated it in agency that accept been in many, abounding respects absolutely abrogating and absolutely harmful. And we can anticipate ourselves out of it. We fabricated it, we can unmake it.
NARRATOR: The racialized association we alive in has been below architecture for three centuries. How can we unmake chase unless we aboriginal accost its abomination as a actual and amusing reality, and its blank as biology?
(55:20 – DVD Scene #18)
Closing Credits
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