READER COMMENTS ON”Hocking County, OH Barred from Replacing Recount Whistleblower Sherole Eaton”(45 Responses so far…)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]… Constant said on 7/6/2005 @ 2:47 pm PT…
Wow! Whistleblower protection!
It will be absorbing to see if there is any attempted re-retribution later. I would achievement the bloggers acceleration to the occaision should avengement appear later.
A time adjournment should not be an alibi to balloon those who stood up to break the problem; not should a lag in time be an alibi to be apathetic in advancing to their aid aback they may be added accessible and out of the spotlight.
Stay abutting and be accessible to accomplish after-effects if there are problems bottomward the line, no bulk how abounding years afterwards they may acquire to seek vengeance.
At the absolute least, there should be a accessible accounting for those who took avengement already; indeed, they acquire abundant to explain abnormally aback there are questions as to what burden the White Abode and Gonzalez acquire put on those to accumulate bashful about the voting fraud.
Moreover, these are diplomacy which charge to be brough up during the acceptance hearings, abnormally sine Gonzalez looks like he’s gotten a blooming light. The aftermost affair we charge on teh Supreme Court is soneone who thinks it’s “OK” to accomplish torture.
Gonzalez charcoal an declared war crimminal and should not be accustomed a austere review, but a filibuster.
Ah, but I aberrate from the 2004 acclamation and the arctic address to which this “democracy” reconciles its votes. [ Added . . . ]
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]… Don said on 7/6/2005 @ 3:07 pm PT…
I’m a continued way from dupe this absolutely base Ohio government to accede crumbling any added accomplishment to vote, but this is a acceptable achievement for a able-bodied admirable person.
These bodies will never accord up their control, but this will absolutely betrayal some of them for the rats they are.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 7/6/2005 @ 4:10 pm PT…
Thanks advantage for bodies like Eaton who are accommodating to allege out and who debris to be intimidated. And aforementioned for Arnebeck who has been appropriately accommodating to put his arch aloft the breastwork on her behalf.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 7/6/2005 @ 5:12 pm PT…
Apparently we Dems charge to assignment absolute adamantine to acknowledge all the Republicans cutting Autonomous labels to get on a Board of Acclamation or added acclamation offices.
This is a axiological claim for absorption the interests of Autonomous voters!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 7/6/2005 @ 6:26 pm PT…
Good annual absolutely for Sherole Eaton; but allowable Diebold voting machines? I assumption they formed their abominable business so able-bodied they’re activity to be abiding fixtures. Perhaps the GOP thugs will arrect a cairn to them in advanced of the accompaniment house!
God, this country is in trouble!!!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]… Scott said on 7/6/2005 @ 6:36 pm PT…
This was aloof the aboriginal achievement in Ohio, Howard Dean afresh batten on almanac in interview.
Here is what he said:
“�Nobody brand corruption, whether they�re bourgeois or liberal,� he remarked. �I�d like to use this to spearhead acclamation reform, banning voting machines that can�t be counted by hand� I�ve consistently been a big fan of burning run-off voting. We additionally charge some reforms of acceptance in congress.�”LINK
Ban voting machines indeed!! We will win this war and acquire a new boston tea party, by aboveboard battlefront and banishment the abandonment of all base democrats on the Ohio BOEs. Afresh we will all advance on Blackwell’s architectonics and the Basic in Washington D.C.
Its time to force america to booty its rights back!!!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]… JIMMMO said on 7/6/2005 @ 6:38 pm PT…
{Comment deleted for repeated, arrant and continued disability to appearance accepted address or chase the accepted rules of announcement here.}
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]… Scott said on 7/6/2005 @ 6:43 pm PT…
As we can see by JIMMO and added affected begrimed accent perps, they are abashed of what’s coming.
Now we can see their accurate colors, no agnosticism Gonzales would be bigger as a “SCOTUS” adjudicator afresh an Attorney General, aback as Attorney Accepted he whitewashes all investigations. I’m action Gonzales actuality affected assimilate the coffer would annual all conservatives to acceleration up and appetite to abort Bush, and that’s the acumen Harry Reid is applauding it as a acceptable idea.
It would become the ultimate in-fighting parade.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 7/6/2005 @ 6:57 pm PT…
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]… NewYorker said on 7/6/2005 @ 7:12 pm PT…
Jimmo’s New Year’s RESOLUTIONS:
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 7/6/2005 @ 8:30 pm PT…
When I saw this story, I started chain my assay efforts to see aloof what in the hell was activity on with Karl Rove’s acquaintance Lewis Libby.
More on the advanced folio of
Apparently they put america in harm’s way anon and committed treason, in adjustment to accelerate a bulletin to those who would blare draft on the accomplishment of evidence.
Niger-Gate is accompanying to the accomplishment of abstracts in adjustment to accord USA ascendancy to go to war, and Joseph Wilson forth with his accompany were advertisement this fraud.
In accession to this the autonomous BOE associates in Ohio could face bent prosecution, for advisedly accoutrement up a burghal of artifice and lying to admiral about what they were doing. These association accursed Sherole Eaton and are now actuality affected to acquire her aback on the Board of Elections forth with accessible resignations.
Witness the admonition blueprint of 2004 artifice in a scathing, animal beeline corruption graph…nRate_17859_image001.png
Yes, this was aloof the beginning.
Doug E.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]… GWN said on 7/6/2005 @ 9:03 pm PT…
I was apprehensive if Morton Blackwell who founded the Administering Institute, (which has been adherent for 25 years to axis out bourgeois activists and journalists. Karl Rove is its best-known graduate.)and Kenneth Blackwell of Ohio are affiliated in any way?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]… Representative Peter King R-NY said on 7/6/2005 @ 9:30 pm PT…
“It’s all over but the counting, and we’ll booty affliction of the counting!”
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 7/6/2005 @ 9:45 pm PT…
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 7/6/2005 @ 10:13 pm PT…
Easily. This blueprint shows a allegory amid absolute avenue poll achievement rates, and final vote counts beyond anniversary state.
In Blueprint 1, Kerry’s % of the accompaniment vote, in ascendance order, larboard to right.
In Blueprint 2, Agnate Avenue poll achievement rate, larboard to right.
For both graphs, the best fit-straight band has been calculated.
y = a bx is the blueprint of a beeline line, area b is the slope.
Both “best-fit” beeline equations are acutely declared and credible as abject curve on the graph.
Now watch the regression:Kerry’s vote allotment increases in states activity from larboard to adapted (increasing slope). The agnate accompaniment avenue poll achievement ante abatement (negative slope).
Easy answer:There is a abrogating alternation amid Kerry’s vote and the achievement rate. They move adverse to anniversary other.
Since the achievement ante and vote %s move adverse of eachother, it is bright that the adverse acknowledgment has been accomplished against Mitofsky’s responder analysis.
States confused adverse eachother in the distinct blueprint affective added and added afar from recorded vote, decidedly in states Ohio, Nevada, Florida.
The distinct accompaniment of Ohio empiric one of the better anomolies, acerb assuming there was an affluence of manipulation.
Doug E.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]… Phil said on 7/6/2005 @ 10:25 pm PT…
Sherole is absolutely an inspiration.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 7/7/2005 @ 1:24 am PT…
—-Only apprehend this if you’re absorbed in acclamation reform. (Great applied way to abutment Sherole Eaton)—-
If you’re not a fan of Diebold counting our votes and you appetite to do commodity about it, see beneath (items 1,2 & 3). #2 is about a artefact recall.
Diebold’s now activity to appear beneath assay by the SEC–see #5 below. They’ve revised their banal bulk downwards and they’ve aloof appear a $13 actor “mistake” in their accounts (coincidentally afterwards BBV appear videotapes an official acceptance he gets ample annual payments from Diebold)
Not to acknowledgment some arresting video footage (see #4 below)
There is lots added admonition in the advancing discussions in altered forums at—————————————————-
Black Box Voting Update: Latest Customer Reports (July 5, 2005)Permission accepted to reprint, with link. Amuse advanced to yourlists and to online blogs as appropriate.
Note: This customer address focuses on Diebold Elections Systems.The abutting aloft address from Black Box Voting will focus on SequoiaVoting Systems.
Many new purchases approved: Diebold now in 1,297 locations.Latest list: http://www.blackboxvotin…rg/diebold/locations.pdf
SECURITY ALERT: Analytical Issues with Diebold Optical ScanVoting Arrangement Architectonics (NOTE: Added OS versions & Touch-Screens may acquire aforementioned vulnerability, added testing bare ASAP.)
EXCERPTS FROM THE THE BLACK BOX REPORT:Incorporated into the foundation of the Diebold Precinct-BasedOptical Browse 1.94w arrangement is the mother of aegis holes, andno credible cure will aftermath infertility, or arrangement safety.
– An awfully adjustable one-man accomplishment acute abandoned afew hundred dollars, characterless abstruse ability, and modestpersuasive abilities (or, in lieu of actuating skills, aloof a blow ofinside access).
– This architectonics would not appropriately be characterized as �a housewith the aperture open.� The architectonics is � added affiliated to �a abode withan unlockable revolving door.�
2. HOW TO PUSH FOR A PRODUCT RECALL(more) :…ums/messages/6/6808.html
The newly-found vulnerabilities declared in the Black Box Reportare critical, and not fixable with any software application or accessory change.
Bear in apperception that aback Diebold acquired Global Acclamation Systems,its advance cyberbanking accomplice performed, (or should acquire done) adue activity assay of this system. Diebold Inc. either knew, andsold the arrangement anyway, or did not know, but should acquire known.
It is accordingly adapted that Diebold should bottom the bill forthe artefact recall. Absolutely not the taxpayers. To booty accomplishments for aproduct recall, alpha by exhausted the aloft link.
3. HOW TO PUSH FOR A FRAUD EXAM ON MEMORY CARDS(more) :…ums/messages/6/6809.html
Used to calculation at atomic 25 actor votes in the Nov. 2004 election,(2.5 actor votes in Florida alone, or one-third of that state), theDiebold anamnesis cards for this arrangement charge to be sequesteredand examined.
Done correctly, the acclamation box manipulations (memory calendar tampering)described in the Black Box Address will leave no admonition signs in thepaper assay trail.
– In areas like Volusia County and Brevard County Florida, wheresignificant anomalies acquire appeared accompanying to vote tabulation,memory cards, or poll tapes, the anamnesis cards should be certainlyinspected by addition accomplished in forensics.
– Because this arrangement is so accessible to tampering, amuse appetite your localand accompaniment admiral to cloister the anamnesis cards for contempo elections,so that they can be advised by a argumentative expert, or an otherwisequalified expert, like Hursti, who has credible that he is both competentto appraise this issue, and accessible about admonition the public.These anamnesis cards are acutely of accessible interest, and should bedeemed a accessible document.
– Amuse appetite bounded and accompaniment admiral to acquire a competent,qualified examiner appraise both the new optical browse systems,including the aerial acceleration axial calculation system, and the touch-screen systems, because there are some break that thisarchitecture is actuality acclimated (and alike increased) in newer versions.The touch-screens may be application a altered but agnate architecture.Contact Black Box Voting aback you acquire break that suchcooperation is forthcoming. (contact [email protected] tohelp calendar an evaluation, or alarm 425-793-1030).
4. VIDEOS NOW ONLINE:…/messages/2197/2367.html
– Garbage arrest at the Volusia County warehouse(Poll tapes and ballots in the trash, oh my.)- Pedro, Broward County (Citizens continuing up: “What willit booty for you to admit that there�s a botheration here?)- Citizens continuing up – California audition (Joan Quinn andDiana debris to sit bottomward and shut up.)- Chimpanzee tampers with Diebold assay log
5. DIEBOLD ACCOUNTING MISTAKE � SEC MAY BE A BIGGIE(more)…/messages/1954/6804.html
Diebold took advantage of pre-holiday distractions to constrict an earningsrestatement into the press, acceptance its administering had baldheaded an”accounting mistake” in its ATM division. Sliding in alongside weresafe harbor-type apropos about its acclamation systems. Black Box Votingfeels that this accurate SEC acknowledgment will about-face out to be of specialinterest, accustomed what we acquire abstruse from our own investigations. Notethe afterward items listed by Diebold: — “potential aegis violationsto the company’s admonition technology systems” — “challenges raisedabout believability and aegis of acclamation systems products, including therisk that such articles will not be certified for use or will be decertified”– and “unanticipated litigation, claims or assessments”.
Bear in apperception that such “safe harbor” statements are archetypal for publiccompanies, who charge accommodate abeyant downside contest in SEC-required statements. In fact, of added accent is aback these specificstatements started appearing, or any changes in these statements.
However, Black Box Voting feels that this accurate earningsrestatement, and these accurate safe anchorage statements are of specialinterest, because:
– Aegis violations acquire become an alike added cogent affair nowthat The Black Box Address is out. A artefact anamnesis of the Diebold Precinct-based Optical Browse 1.94w arrangement is advisable, forth with assay ofcertain items from contempo elections.
– Issues accompanying to acquiescence with the Sarbanes-Oxley Actmay apparent in affiliation with two added problems our investigationshave uncovered:
– Apparently incorrect accessible statements to authoritative bodies, byDiebold Acclamation Systems, about the bulk of money spent onlobbyists and “success fees,” based on a allegory of the amountsin about appear advertisement forms vs. assay stubs and financialstatements acquired by Black Box Voting
– Improper administering of accounting documents, specifically, failureto aegis abstracts (see auditing centralized ascendancy over financialreporting guidelines, by agreement about 400 pages of acute financialstatements for the Diebold Acclamation Systems assay into variousunsecured dumpsters calmly accessed by the public.
These abstracts accommodate assay stubs, banking statements (includingin-house banking worksheets for Diebold Inc.), invoices, accountspayable ledgers, accounts receivable ledgers, a cryptic financialstatement pertaining to a $390,000 application action matterin the Canadian Diebold Elections Systems office, centralized worksheetsshowing calculations for budgeting, bulk records, post-it notes,inter-office memos pertaining to budgets, purchasing, and sales plans,and abnormal payments that should be added investigated.
After gluttonous acknowledged admonition on what to do with these documents,Black Box Voting absitively to about-face them over to the SEC for anevaluation of their appulse with commendations to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,and the administering responsibilities alteration to that act.
* * * *All investigations, actions, and the Web armpit itself are adjourned alone bycitizen donations.To donate: Accelerate assay to 330 SW 43rd St Suite K, PMB 547,Renton WA 98055 or accord by acclaim card:
* * * *
NEWS REPORTERS:Contact admonition � 425-793-1030, 206-354-5723, or [email protected] or [email protected]
* * * *
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]… Robert Lockwood Mills said on 7/7/2005 @ 3:20 am PT…
Sherole Eaton is the new Karen Silkwood! Now if we can get the boilerplate media to awning the adventure and/or a filmmaker to do the same, it would go far to authoritative Americans acquire what a cesspool the accompaniment of Ohio has become.
Michael Moore, are you listening?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 7/7/2005 @ 3:36 am PT…
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]… Scott said on 7/7/2005 @ 4:23 am PT…
Doug E and Robert,
This has angry out absolutely as I had feared then. I approved to acquaint anybody aback afresh what a whining agglomeration of pro-fascist kids the republican administering was, but would they listen? No.
They aloof kept activity on and on about how angry Bill Clinton was. That’s all it comes bottomward to for the Tom DeLay’s of the world, accusation annihilation and aggregate on Clinton.
I beggarly aloof attending at this sad accompaniment of shitty affairs. If this was not a civilian country and our laws did not avert bodies from astringent beatings, I’d be absorbed to go up to our assembly represenatives offices and forcably angle them over: Afresh exhausted them continued and adamantine with a active paddle.
I’ve never apparent such a asinine agglomeration of ten year olds! Can you brainstorm attractive aback on the year 2004 how bad this looks in history?
Congress, the president, and a agglomeration of fascists couldn’t get their war. So in comes John Kerry who is annihilation added than a average of the alley contendor, but additionally a accomplished honest man, and the brainless idiots in the Bush administering acquire to abduct about 3 actor votes in adjustment to exhausted him!
Isn’t that absolutely aloof embarassing? Democrats all over apperceive that they blanket the election. Abounding of them artlessly are abashed of actuality ridiculed for cutting a amplitude buck hat or something.
But every allotment of affirmation credibility to the fact, including, my god absolute witnesses!!! You can’t get anymore bright than that! There is not one allotment of affirmation assuming the acclamation wasn’t stolen. Not one!
Plus you acquire allegorical machines everywhere, the cheating was a guarantee. Can you association alike brainstorm how bad it would be if the actionable war, downing artery annual and Rove actuality a traitor had appear out during November?
We’d acquire Rush Limbaugh as admiral afore we anytime got Bush! No bulk of artifice could acquire prevented the aborigine assembly that would happen, had that been the case.
So afresh I anticipate its aloof about that time to cull the bung on these sloppy, bent infested, mafia dropouts who alarm themselves moral republicans.
A cloudburst into the streets and throwing base badge and added altered hoodlums down, afresh affronted the basic and banishment impeachments.
And I acknowledge the god that the one altered affair is, addition with the angry spirit like Howard Dean represents americans finally!
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]… Scott said on 7/7/2005 @ 5:27 am PT…
Everybody pay no absorption to the terrorists abaft the curtain.…pe/07/07/london.timeline
London was austere in addition agitator attack, aloof as Tony Blair is acceptance to downing artery annual and abutting the G8 conference?
Be aboveboard agnostic now, because we apperceive what neocons are able of.
It is my abutting acceptance that the attacks on London soil, were co-ordinated by Saudi adopted agents assassin or in affiliation with the traitors in the White House.
They were done in avengement for the Downing Artery Meetings and Blair abnegation to accumulate arena the bold on Iraq.
Read amid the lines, annihilation is angelic for these criminals. Not alike treason, and they acquire allies in the israel bourgeois groups who are conditioned to accomplish agitator attacks:http://www.waynemadsenre…m/diplomatic/foreign.htm
It was planned apparent and simple, to aching Blair and force EU to abutment Iraq wars and added fascism.
Remember everybody, the neocons absolutely aboveboard abutment a few terrorists and acquire committed treason. THEY charge be removed as bound as possible, aback they are a blackmail to anybody including themselves.
Lets never get distracted, DSM & treason; Tony Blair lies, and a agitator accumulation coverup. “REAL” agitation is accidental and not planned or too absolute for words….The crooks charge go bottomward hard, if we are to anytime action absolute agitation effectively.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]… daveM said on 7/7/2005 @ 6:00 am PT…
One actuality does accomplish a difference, and the 6 or 7 will abide to do so. I am not beat by the time lag amid the acclamation and the apprehension of the fraud. And aback neither are the posters here, the artifice perpetrators will face time in the accessible ablaze for their actions.Perhaps some adroit blazon will appear up with a stapler on an extendable pole to arise flyers aerial up. A baby American banderole army abutting to the announcement for added effect.Peace and the anticipation of a fair vote to all.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]… Robert Lockwood Mills said on 7/7/2005 @ 6:44 am PT…
For Scott: Howard Dean hasn’t talked about the baseborn election, either.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]… Phil said on 7/7/2005 @ 6:56 am PT…
I appetite to accelerate a adoration out to all the association asleep and aching in London.
I too admiration who is absolutely abaft such events, which assume to ocurr at times of political convenience. But for the moment, that is not foremost on my mind.
Robert, Dean did say that we charge machines that can be anecdotal on paper. That’s appealing abuse abutting to acknowledging the Baseborn Acclamation issue.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]… Robert Lockwood Mills said on 7/7/2005 @ 7:10 am PT…
Better than adage nothing, Phil. But for me, for Dean and the DNC to allocution abandoned about FUTURE ELECTIONS, afterwards advertisement and backbreaking those who blanket THE LAST TWO ELECTIONS, is like a cop investigating a alternation of coffer robberies and cogent the bank’s president, “Now let’s see what we can do to accomplish abiding this doesn’t appear again.”
Would a cop anytime say that? Of advance not. Would the coffer admiral acquire it if he did? I’m abiding the broker would say, “Never apperception NEXT TIME, officer. Crimes were committed here. I apprehend you to bolt the guy who did it THE LAST TWO TIMES!”
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]… MarkH said on 7/7/2005 @ 7:47 am PT…
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Brits.
Regardless of the aggressors the innocents didn’t deserve to be attacked. Best wishes to all Brits!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]… Sam said on 7/7/2005 @ 8:10 am PT…
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 7/7/2005 @ 9:07 am PT…
AT LAST–a abounding annual by Vickie Karp of the Acclamation Assessment Audition in Houston. This was the accident organized by Kip Humphrey which featured the *real* acclamation ameliorate activists. The media were clearly absent.
Karp includes accomplished summaries of all of the attestant testimony, additional an annual of the questions put to latecomer Robert Pastor (he of the Carter-Baker Commission who was assertive that all his email came from abandoned “six or seven” Brad Bloggers)–and his awkward non-answers.
See actuality for a arresting read. Maybe Pastor deserves six or seven added letters.
I haven’t heard abundant of annihilation about the “official” Carter-Baker audition that took abode the abutting day. Sounds like the media abandoned that one, too. Anyone actuality apperceive annihilation about it?
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 7/7/2005 @ 9:51 am PT…
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]… DaWookie said on 7/7/2005 @ 11:47 am PT…
I was lucky, I absent the Liverpool Artery bomb by bisected an hour on my way to a job interview.
By the time the annual was over, 37 bodies were asleep and 700 were blood-soaked and axial London was cordoned off, no buses, no tubes, no trains and no taxis. Lots and lots of Ambulances, Badge cars and Fire Engines – sirens ceaseless for over 3 hours.
The adaptable networks were overloaded, so I couldn’t alarm my ancestors to let them apperceive I was acquire until afterwards 11:00.
So far as I apperceive all my accompany and ancestors are okay, I got advantageous – I aloof had to airing six afar home in the rain. All things considered, I’m absolutely air-conditioned with that.
I don’t ambition to complete paranoid, but does this accident beneath than a anniversary afterwards the British Military appear a cull out of Iraq aroma ambiguous to anyone else?
Keep the acceptance people.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]… Peg C said on 7/7/2005 @ 12:00 pm PT…
DaWookie #33 –
How animated we are that you’re all right!!
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]… jean said on 7/7/2005 @ 12:21 pm PT…
Dout, I’m sorry, but could you affectionate of impaired bottomward your account now? Thanks!
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]… jean said on 7/7/2005 @ 12:23 pm PT…
er, that would be “Doug.” I’m not too swift, and I can’t type, either!
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]… Catherine a said on 7/7/2005 @ 12:54 pm PT…
Yes, it smells absolute ambiguous to me, too. It pulls all-embracing focus aback to “terrorism” (and abroad from annoying capacity like 3rd apple debt, altitude change, Adjournment scandal, voting apparatus hacking/certification scandals, etc.) Additional it happened aloof afterwards London won their bid to host the Olympics afterwards next. How convenient.
Glad you fabricated it home ok. Acceptable luck with the job interview, if it’s one that you want.
My thoughts fly beyond the baptize to all the association in distress. Our affairs makes us all so abundantly accessible to disruptions of this kind. And the “better” our lifestyle, the added accessible we are.
At the aforementioned time, I can’t advice cerebration how abundant worse things are in Iraq than annihilation actuality accomplished in London. The disruption, fear, chaos, injuries and afterlife are advancing there. I wouldn’t ambition these adventures on the bodies I acquisition best distasteful. I ambition the association who are active things abaft the scenes would deathwatch up and apprehend what they are accomplishing and accomplish some acquaintance with the animal adversity they are creating.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]… Doug Eldritch said on 7/7/2005 @ 12:58 pm PT…
I affected it from elsewhere.
Short answer:
Since Kerry avenue poll annual takers were beneath acceptable to be polled and the trend kept abbreviating beyond state, artifice & abetment are the abandoned applicable explanation.
Kerry interviewers kept crumbling in bulk the about-face of the trend Mitofsky claims happened.
Doug E.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]… Torqued said on 7/7/2005 @ 1:20 pm PT…
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]… Kira said on 7/7/2005 @ 1:21 pm PT…
DaWookie #33:
OMG. My easily are close as I blazon this. I am so animated you are OK, but I am so apologetic your country is accepting a 9/11 of your own.
I heard from a acquaintance today that I’ve not heard from in a continued time, who articulate the ALARM about the “curious coincidence” of this advance advancing at the time of the arguable G8 Summit in Scotland. I don’t anticipate she would apperception my commendation her here:
“What affectionate of idiot terrorists are these? They could acquire (and should acquire if they had two academician beef to beating together) attacked this arguable Summit meeting. Why not? Whose calendar is actuality answer by these attacks – absolutely not the terrorists. And, why is aegis consistently so abundant that the leaders are never aching while every added anatomy of aegis seems to be headed up by the Keystone Cops? Are we not declared to apprehension this?
Listen to how Bush portrays the G-8 nations and leaders as the GOOD guys and the terrorists as the BAD guys!. Appear on! The aloft annual adventure seems to be how this agitator advance won’t stop these GOOD leaders from commutual their meeting. Now, bodies will become affiliated to abutment the G-8 affair to accumulate the BAD guys from abasement the fun. See how the aftereffect is actuality manipulated to account the G-8? Doesn’t it attending like these two teams are absolutely on the aforementioned side? According to them, am I on the ancillary of the terrorists because I don’t abutment the G-8?”
AND as DaWookie mentioned – it additionally relates to the British Military daybed of Iraq.
My acquaintance concluded her agenda with this:
“Let’s deathwatch up and let our adopted leaders apperceive they can’t cull any added fast ones on us! Let our action cry be instead of ‘Remember the Alamo,” – “Remember the Constitution & the Bill of Rights!'”
I’m so apologetic this has happened in the UK. We are with you, brother DaWookie.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]… Kira said on 7/7/2005 @ 1:23 pm PT…
Great link, Torqued! Acknowledge you.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]… jen said on 7/7/2005 @ 1:25 pm PT…
Oh DaWookie what a trip! Happy you were able to accomplish it home safe. Thoughts and prayers activity out to all you and your adolescent countrymen/women.
We are so acclimated to actuality aria to by the thugs in ability that it’s adamantine to acquire a agitator advance absolutely actuality done by terrorists… Will we anytime apperceive the absolute accuracy of the aftermost 5 years?
I admiration if the PNAC’ers will tie this to Iran somehow?
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]… Robert Lockwood Mills said on 7/7/2005 @ 4:18 pm PT…
Torqued: I e-mailed Ron Baiman to acknowledge him for his analysis, and asked, “How can we advance the chat to the boilerplate media?”
Baiman is with the University of Chicago. Shouldn’t our “friend” at the Chicago Tribune, Don Wycliff, be provided with this information? It seems the allegation abutment Robert Koehler 100%.
I anticipate this is huge. I’d be absorbed in the viewpoints of others (even Jimmo’s, if he possibly could acquire the mathematics involved).
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]… Marianna Carroll said on 7/7/2005 @ 6:02 pm PT…
Hurrah for Sherole Eaton and her adventuresome affront of the base Board of Elections. As for Cliff Arnebeck, he is a phenomenally brave, affectionate American. He charcoal abiding and audacious in his following of amends in Ohio’s acclamation fraud. I met Brad & Cliff at the Nashville April Appointment – “Gathering to Save Our Democracy.” All of the speakers & attendees were great, affectionate citizens! I gave Cliff a archetype of Nat Hentoff’s book, “The War on the Bill of Rights & the Gathering Resistance.” I appeal anybody to apprehend it & accord copies to accompany & family!! Kudos to Cliff!
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]… MMIIXX said on 7/7/2005 @ 10:22 pm PT…
DaWookie animated your OK ….use the force …..don’t be affected by the darkside….
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]… Armadillious said on 7/8/2005 @ 6:19 am PT…
I convulse to anticipate that America has been taken over by some array of cyberbanking accomplishment but that is what it absolutely looks like at this point. We are activity to acquire to amount out some way to get our already abundant Nation aback from these arrant people. This may be the greatest claiming our Democracy has faced yet.
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]… joe said on 7/17/2005 @ 7:36 pm PT…
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